The transition to adulthood can be an overwhelming period in a family's life. There are many things that need to be done to prepare for life beyond graduation. It's never too early to get started!
Starting high school is a big step on a young person’s journey to adulthood. It’s an exciting time of personal growth, new discoveries, and opportunity.
Early Planning Toolkit for parents with a child with a disability Ages 2 to 10
A tool to encourage people with a disability to think about and discuss what their lives could look like today and in the future.
Becoming an adult is such an exciting time in any young person’s life. Adulthood is this sweet, exhilarating period in our lives where our independence grow
Starting high school is a big step on a young person’s journey to adulthood. It’s an exciting time of personal growth, new discoveries, and opportunity
This page offers information on Microboards, a tool families can use to plan for the future.
Nawin is a young professional from Toronto, Ontario. When Nawin was in high school he “Wanted to be everything and anything”.
This page offers helpful resources that can support families to begin creating an individualized housing plan.
Prosper Canada has developed a new tool – the Benefits wayfinder - to assist Canadians with accessing provincial and federal benefits.
Renseignements sur le Régime enregistré d’épargne-invalidité (REEI)
Informations sur la planification successorale
Sur la découverte et la création d'une vie significative en communauté